Graduate Courses
5303 Social Measurement and Causal Modeling
Advanced multivariate statistical techniques; causal modeling; problems of research design, validity, and reliability. The course also involves the utilization of social science computer programs in the analysis of large-scale survey data.
5310 Social Demography
A survey of demographic change, issues, and methods as they impact our social world. Emphasis is on the social and cultural aspects of demography, as well as the impact of the changing population in society.
5312 Social Science Data Analysis
(Cross-listed as PSC 5312)
This is a data-intensive course designed to acquaint students with the wide variety of available data types and sources for social science research. Students learn to access, analyze, and critique these various data types. In analyzing these data, we begin with simple univariate distributional statistics and progress through bivariate regression and correlation.
5314 Regression Analysis for the Social Sciences
Prerequisite(s): SOC 5312
Regression analysis with continuous, categorical, and count outcomes, including ordinary least squares (OLS), logistic, multinomial logistic, Poisson, and negative binomial regression.
5320 Seminar on the Community
Theories of community structure and dynamics, methods community analysis, and techniques for community change.
5330 Evaluative Research
(Cross-listed as GRT 5330)
Conceptual, methodological, and administrative aspects of program evaluation. Problems of translating research findings into policies and programs are explored.
5332 The Sociology of Health: Health Delivery Systems
(Cross-listed as GRT 5332)
Special health problems of the aged person, with particular stress on related social factors and the strengths and weaknesses of existing health care systems. Alternate models for meeting the health needs of the aged are considered.
5336 The Family in Later Life
(Cross-listed as SWO 5336 and GRT 5336)
See SWO 5336 for course information.
5341 Introduction to Sociology of Religion
Introduction to the main theories and empirical studies in the sociology of religion.
5342 Data Sources and Publishing in Sociology
Introduction to the main religion data sources in the country, accompanied by training in how to publish religious research.
5343 Theory in the Sociology of Religion
In depth analysis of the major social theories of religion.
5345 Sociology of Power
Overview of the concepts, theories, and methods for studying power in human social life. Topics include power, oppression, inequality, the state, protest, and social change. Students read original texts, engage in critical thinking exercises, and write research papers.
5354 Seminar in Family Sociology
Review of theoretical frameworks used in the study of family sciences. Emphasis is on classical and emerging approaches and the use of theory in research and program development.
5357 Seminar in Comparative Sociology
Prerequisite(s): SOC 6307 and 6314.
This in-depth introduction to comparative sociology begins with a philosophical discussion of what constitutes comparative research and the criteria for social causation. Next, it examines the strengths and weaknesses of various theoretical approaches to comparative sociology. Third, it analyzes important contemporary comparative studies.
5374 Sport in the Social Context
(Cross-listed as HP 5374)
See HP 5374 for course information.
5381 Advanced Research Methods
Research projects under direct supervision of a faculty member. Although specific methodological areas will vary by project, content analysis, controlled experimental design, sampling, survey analysis, computer skills, and statistical techniques, will be emphasized.
5386 Community Based Research
In this course students acquire first-hand experience in operationalizing a community-driven research project which includes the design, execution, and delivery of a final report to the community stakeholders.
5390 Summer Writing Practicum in Sociology
Students spend the summer working with a faculty supervisor to improve their scholarly writing in the areas of framing a testable hypothesis, operationalizing and measuring concepts, and writing to the broader discipline. A publishable research article is the goal of the course.
5391 Advanced Sociological Theory
Prerequisite(s): SOC 4391; or consent of instructor.
Seminar on recent developments in sociological theory. Discussions will include critical evaluation of major theoretical systems, the development and use of paradigms, and the process of theory construction.
5395 Sociopsychological Aspects of Counseling Adults
(Cross-listed as GRT 5395)
Prerequisite(s): SOC 4393 or PSY 4355 and SOC 4395; or consent of instructor.
Adult development and socialization from the perspective of counseling interventions. Opportunities to develop counseling skills with middle age and older persons will be provided along with appropriate supervision.
5397 Methods in Aging
Research (Cross-listed as GRT 5397 and SWO 5397)
See SWO 5397 for course information.
5398 Adv Sociological Theory II
Pre-requisite(s): SOC 5391. This seminar builds on Advanced Sociology Theory with detailed investigations of contemporary theory. In particular, discussion focuses on how to utilize social theory in research.
5V71 Special Topics in Sociology 1 to 3 sem. hrs.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Designed for students who wish to study with a professor in an area of sociology not covered by a formal course. Students will contract with professor regarding study and number of semester hours. This course may be repeated one time for a total of 6 semester hours provided the research area is different.
5V97 Seminar in Teaching 3 to 6 sem. hrs.
Supervised teaching experience. The student will teach SOC 1305 under the supervision of a graduate faculty member. Lesson plans, syllabi, handouts, lecture examples, etc., will be discussed before and after classes. Videotaping of selected classes will provide media for critique and growth.
5V99 Thesis 1 to 6 sem. hrs.
Research, data analysis, writing, and oral defense of an approved master’s thesis. At least six hours of SOC 5V99 are required.
6083 Proseminar in Sociology
Prerequisite(s): Enrolled in Department of Sociology’s Ph.D. Program.
This seminar aids students in professional development. Weekly speakers discuss current research, publishing, teaching, and important topics/events in the sociology. The course is pass/fail and required of all students pursuing a Ph.D. with an emphasis in sociology. Course may be repeated 12 times.
6301 Focus Group Research
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Students will apply information gathered from a review of the current literature to conduct a focus group research project under the supervision of the instructor. Students will conduct all phases of a focus group research project including design, sampling, administration and analysis.
6303 Telephone Surveys
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Students will acquire knowledge of telephone survey techniques and use this information to conduct a telephone survey under the supervision of the instructor. Special emphasis will be given to issues of non-contact, refusals, demographic and behavioral screens, and random digit versus add a digit techniques.
6307 Statistical Methods for Survey Research
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
An introduction to several multivariate statistical techniques appropriate for the analysis of discrete qualitative social science survey data measured at the nominal level of measurement. Emphasis in the course is on logic regression, log linear analysis and latent class/latent structure analysis. Application to major social science data sets will be made.
6310 Mail Surveys
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Students will design, conduct, and analyze a mail survey in this course. Special emphasis will focus on questionnaire construction, question design, sampling techniques, cover letters and research identity, and other special problems unique to self-administered surveys.
6314 Advanced Quantitative Analysis for Sociology
Prerequisite(s): SOC 5312 and 6307; or equivalent.
This course covers cutting-edge data analysis techniques used in the top-tier sociology journals.
6317 Community Spatial Analysis
Prerequisite(s): SOC 5312.
Geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial modeling techniques are applied to contemporary community issues and social problems such as inequality, poverty, housing, employment, economic development, demographics, and transportation. Particular emphasis is placed on government and other sources of current data for community analysis.
6318 Sampling Techniques
Prerequisite(s): Three hours of statistical methods.
Planning, execution, and analysis of sampling from finite populations. Simple random, stratified random, ratio, systematic, cluster, sub sampling, regression estimates, and multi-frame techniques are covered.
6320 Sociological Covariance Modeling
An introduction to sociological applications of covariance structure analysis, including reciprocal effects and correlated equations involving personal and social factors. The specification, identification, estimation, and interpretation of recursive and non-recursive models with and without latent variables will be taught and implemented.
6323 Qualitative Methods
Training in qualitative research methods, including interviewing, content analysis, participant observation, and case studies. Students gain experience conducting, analyzing, and reporting qualitative research.
6325 Needs Assessment
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
An introduction to community needs assessment in which available data (e.g. crime rates, poverty levels) and newly created data (e.g. elite surveys, program inventories) are combined to estimate various levels and types of community needs. Emphasis is on all facets of needs assessment including need definition, data selection, data creation, analysis, interpretation and presentation.
6331 The Sociology of Religiosity
Prerequisite(s): SOC 5341 or consent of instructor
Introduction to the measurement and definition of religiosity.
6332 The Sociology of Religious Organizations
Prerequisite(s): SOC 5341; or consent of instructor
Analysis of how religious organizations change, including membership dynamics, authority systems, and congregational cultures.
6333 Religion, Politics, and Society
Analysis of religious change at the societal level with an emphasis on church-state relationships.
6334 The Sociology of Religious Deviance
Prerequisite(s): SOC 5341; or consent of instructor
Analysis of deviant religious groups with an emphasis on defining religious deviance and explaining group membership.
6335 Religion, Morality and Social Change
Prerequisite(s): SOC 5341; or consent of instructor
Analysis of the role of religion in creating, sustaining and challenging the moral order of societies, and how cultural change can affect religion’s moral impact.
6336 Religion, Race and Gender
Prerequisite(s): SOC 5341; or consent of instructor
Analysis of the interconnections of religion with race and gender with an emphasis on how race, ethnicity and gender have shaped religion and been shaped by religion.
6340 Face to Face Surveys
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Students will develop and conduct a face-to-face survey under the direction of the instructor. In this process, students will train interviewers in the interpersonal dynamics of interviewing which comply with current federal guidelines concerning the protection of human subjects. In addition, the issues of dialects, illiteracy, and multicultural awareness will be addressed.
6345 Sociology of Regional Processes
Prerequisite(s): SOC 5391; or equivalent; or consent of instructor.
This course examines in detail sociological theories of regional growth and development. Students will gain a working knowledge of the core assumptions of each perspective along the structure-agency continuum. In addition, students will do significant readings of empirical research in this field, and conduct an original empirical study.
6350 Seminar in Human Resource Management
(Cross-listed as MGT 5336)
See MGT 5336 for course information. Fee: $100
6351 Seminar in Population Health
An examination of individual differences in health and well-being in the United States. Focuses on (1) health disparities by socioeconomic status, gender, race ethnicity, and age; and (2) biological and sociological theories of illness and disease. Risk factors for poor health and coping resources that enhance mental and physical well-being are identified.
6357 Health Inequalities in America
A seminar focused on critiquing a wide selection of recent scientific articles on health and society. Chosen articles will deal with social inequalities in health observed in America and other advanced nations. An original research paper or proposal is expected.
6360 Demographic Techniques
An introduction to the various models of demographic projection and modeling including linear regression, ratio techniques and cohort component. Emphasis is on mastery of base data acquisition and model construction to determine demographic trends and predict population levels, crime rates and disease patterns.
6363 Directed Readings in Sociology
Students spend the summer working with a faculty supervisor to prepare for the PhD Preliminary Exam. Students review major sociological theories, research methods, and dominant research in one substance area.
6384 Religion and Family Life
Focuses on the ways religion influences family life in the context of significant family change in the United States. Specific topics include how religious institutions have responded to changes in family life, sexual behavior, marriage and fertility timing, cohabitation, gender roles, parenting, marital quality, and divorce. Also examines how family life influences religious commitment.
6391 Grant Writing and Proposal Development
Provides intensive exposure to the technical and political aspects of grant writing and proposal development. Emphasis is placed on defining proposal ideas to match funding sources, researching private foundations, corporations and government funding agencies, and developing successful proposals. Participants will prepare a grant proposal during the course, which will be submitted to an appropriate private or public agency.
6V37 Special Topics in the Sociology of Religion 1 to 3 sem. hrs.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Analysis of special topics in the sociology of religion. The course may be repeated once when the content varies.
6V71 Special Topics 1 to 3 sem. hrs.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
A social research project in selected areas of sociology. The project must be approved by the members of the graduate faculty supervising the student. A final journal-quality paper summarizing the research effort and findings must be submitted to the instructor. This course may be repeated up to six times for credit up to a total of eighteen semester hours provided the research area is different.
6V99 Dissertation 1 to 6 sem. hrs.
Supervised research for the doctoral dissertation. A total of at least twelve semester hours is required for completion of the dissertation.