Completing Your Degree
Dissertation and Thesis Overview
Congratulations - it is time to defend your dissertation or thesis! Please visit the Graduate School's Dissertation & Thesis Overview webpage to view the most up-to-date process during this time.
Graduate School Guidelines for Preparing the Dissertation/Thesis
The responsibility for the content of your dissertation/thesis rests solely with you and your advisory committee. Also, with guidance from your advisory committee, you are responsible for presenting the document in proper writing style and format. The Graduate School defines in this document the style and format that applies to all dissertations and theses across the university. The purpose of this set of Guidelines is to assist you in doing the job effectively and efficiently. The Guidelines are revised each semester, so be sure you are working with the current version; the most recent edition is available on the Baylor Graduate School website. If you are unable to download a copy, you may obtain one from the Graduate School at the beginning of each semester.
Graduate School Electronic Dissertation and Thesis
Dissertations and Theses are archived digitally in various collections on campus and are made available internationally via UMI Dissertation Services. The quality of these works reflects the standards of Baylor University, the Graduate School, our department, and the professors who work with you on this project. Most importantly, the quality of your dissertation or thesis directly reflects your professionalism. "Starting Point"; information along with a "Submission Checklist"; forms needed for the process; and information about converting to a PDF and combining multiple PDFs will be found via the graduate school website linked above.